Wednesday, January 5, 2011

iPads in Schools

From my parents growing up without computers, to nowadays having the fastest touch-screen gadgets, technology is making humongous advances. This article explains how many schools are adopting the iPad as a way to convert to all electronic learning.  Now, as some say this is a great thing, there are cons to the concept as well.  Many school districts around the country are financially  struggling, and trying to upgrade to these hand-held computers isn't the most budget-friendly idea.  If schools are serious about converting to all-electronic systems, the demand for iPads will go up because schools will be competing to provide the best education possible with new innovative and advanced ways.  But even though the iPad replaces old, heavy textbooks and provides a quicker way to exchange information between students and teachers, our parents, and generations before them didn't have the luxury of learning with iPads, so is it really that necessary?  For high school students the option to have these devices is clearer and the benefits of using them are easy to understand, but I find it a bit troubling for kindergarden and elementary level students to be starting out on these high-tech gizmos when they barely even know how to read.

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